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Canine Corner

by: Kylie Purcell

Q: My dog seems to be getting tired of his food, any


If you ate the same thing over and over day after day, I think its safe to say, it would get boring! Before we go any further, make sure to check with your pup’s vet before making dietary changes. What I like to do with my pup’s kibble is called top dressing. This adds some extra flavor and goodness to their bowl. Now this isn’t recommended for dogs that are overweight but only those at an optimal weight.

You can use these items raw or cooked. If you cook them, skip the butter and very small amounts of oil as well as no spices or seasoning. One of the easiest items to top dress with is egg. Simply crack an egg into the bowl and mix the kibble to coat it. You can also include the eggshell. Your dog will let you know if they like it or not by eating it or leaving it. Eggs are a great source of vitamins and minerals and can add shine to your pup’s coat. Vegetables are another simple add-in. My pups go crazy for carrots, no need to peel them. Green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower are also great. We want these to be small additions, so portion control is important. You can add in fruits, too! Apples (making sure to eliminate the seeds and core) are yummy as well! Some dogs enjoy strawberries and blueberries.

You can try different fish and meats. Smelt is an easy add-in that can be readily purchased from our local grocery store. Chop it up while frozen and use small portions. Any wild caught fish or game needs to be in the freezer for a minimum of three weeks (if being served raw) to minimize the chance of parasites. One of my pups took a while to enjoy this, at first she would take the fish out of her bowl and roll on it. Meats are an option but the fatty pieces should be trimmed and only small amounts should be given. Chicken or turkey gizzards and hearts are easily found locally.

Finally, one of the most beneficial top dressings, is a probiotic kefir. It is our go-to. Yogurts (non flavored and minimal sugars) are also good. We use a tablespoon for our 40-60 lb. dogs three times a week to help with their gut and microbiome function. Goat’s milk kefir is one of the better versions but sometimes cost prohibitive.

Keep it simple, take it slow and pay attention to what your dog likes! Stay away from bones and be sure not to add too much new stuff to your pup’s food as this may irritate their tummy.


Kylie has been actively training Livingstons dogs since 2009. She began teaching dog obedience with the late, great Jo Sykes, and the rest is history!

Montana Dog Company is proud to offer retail, 24-hour self dog wash, dog training, and so much more. Kylie has competed with North American Dog Agility Council for over 25 years and with many different breeds of dogs. Even though training is her passion, she enjoys the outdoors with her husband, toddler, and baby boy. Livingston is her home and she is here to work for you and your pup! Contact her today!

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